Wednesday, July 24, 2013

In and Out of Nauvoo- Day 5 Part 2

So much to see... We bounced from site to site, collecting tidbits of information and having a blast with hands-on invitations.

Making rope with the system is simple, but definitely a multiple person job. Bekah and Dave spun the wheels, while Rachel and Emma pushed the thingy.
Who knew Browning was a Mormon. He had his sons have created a legacy. The shop was filled with guns that are patented and some like the machine gun, still in use today. The saints began a legacy of all that the we can achieve.
Each girl had a chance to carry "water" and appreciate how little chores they have to do in life.
The post office, run by Sidney Rigdon in his home was neat. We learned that the cubbies were for paid letters, the drawers for letters that needed to be paid. Plus they wrote on one side both directions, folded it and wrote the address on the clean side--saving $
My favorite-the printing press run by John Taylor. It's amazing how much time goes into placing correctly little letters. Did you know dingbats are the cute designs used as fillers.
Nothing is better than sweet old men explaining how bricks are made. Course, its also fun to take home a souvenir.
This rocking horse from John Taylor's home has a sweet story. When the saints left Nauvoo, his young son wept for his abandoned toy. John risked his life to creep back into town and retrieve the playtoy.

The blacksmith taught us about team work. In order for the saints to leave, the work of building wagons was shared. Some built spokes in the homes, others assisted in the multiple step process (wheelwrights, blacksmiths and carpenters). We left with a prairie diamond (nail shaped like a ring).
Starving because we chose to stay in Old Nauvoo rather than walk back to the campsite for lunch, the girls and I played with pioneer activities while Dave rushed back for our car. Then we went into "town" for dinner. The town stretches less than four blocks.

On to more entertainment. We enjoyed a performance by the older missionaries-Rendezvous and then scurried over to a performance by BYU's Vocal Point. Both were amazing and fun.  One thing I will say about the church, they know how to entertain for free. We were greeted with smiles, personally talked to not lectured, and the energy of those on missions was contagious. I can easily imagine the saints drawing on each other for happiness. They gave without thought of reward.

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